Container Design & Architektur - FMO SystemsContainer Design & Architektur - FMO Systems

Design & Architektur

Containers creative, individual, exclusive

Avantgarde in architecture refers especially to container buildings. Simplicity and functionality and clear aesthetic forms are characteristic for the Bauhaus style, which provided the grounds for such ideas as using a transport crate as the basic element for a building. Whenever innovation meets such an eclectic philosophy of “anything goes” allowing forms and colours, container constructions have the chance to give impetus to further cultural development. A realm for creativeness...

Pragmatic container constructions for student housing, schools and construction dormitories made way for cult objects. The minimalism of the central station in Rotterdam, built of stacked boxes feeds the scenario of modern urban city nomads. The global mobility of labour division is reflected by such virtually naked and inspiring containers, which could have a different look for different cities like Rome or Cairo. With different aspects of individualism...

In terms of the private sector the holistic approach gives us the notion of a viable home. Vintage family homes or holiday apartments have always been a dream but often look awesome artificial when rebuild, whereas a cost-effective and thoughtful vision shows an exciting alternative. So, why not create a villa or finca made of container cubes? - challenging for ambitious architects. An option of exclusiveness...